Tulips (Tulipa cultivars and hybrids)


Flower Field, Flower Dome


It's the 10th edition of Tulipmania, and this year, we are going with a display reminiscent of our first in 2013! With the traditional way of arranging the tulips in uniform rows of singular colors, ranging from pastels to strong vibrant colors. This year, we have various cultivars exhibited from the most impressive of the tulip divisions, such as the coronet, fringed tulips, and Triumph tulip divisions.

The common name ‘tulip’ originated from the flower’s resemblance to the turban worn by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. In Europe, it was known as tulipan, eventually evolving into the English name ‘tulip’. However, it is believed that the cultivated tulip originated in the mountains of Central Asia. Encompassing about 85 species, the tulip is a perennial bulb belonging to the lily family, Liliaceae. 

Tulipa ‘Crown of Dynasty’, (Left), and Tulipa ‘Yellow Crown’ (Right), both belonging to Crown type tulips Tulipa ‘Crown of Dynasty’, (Left), and Tulipa ‘Yellow Crown’ (Right), both belonging to the Coronet division of tulips.

Recently introduced in 2018 and displayed for the first time in Tulipmania 2023, the Coronet division of tulips is a unique form whereby the blooms are characterized by their compressed, ruffled petals that form a distinctive ‘spout’ or lip, resembling a regal crown or coronet! You can spot four coronet-type cultivars being displayed, such as the above Tulipa ‘Crown of Dynasty’ and Tulipa ‘Yellow Crown’. 

Tulipa ‘Arjuna’ (left) and Tulipa ‘Match’ (Right) Tulipa ‘Arjuna’ (left) and Tulipa ‘Match’ (Right)

One of my favourite divisions is still the classic Triumph type tulip, with eight representatives in this year’s display, including Tulipa ‘Arjuna’ and Tulipa ‘Match’. Tulipa ‘Arjuna’ is deep orange in colour, splashed with streaks of purple and green, and Tulipa ‘Match’ has a yellow base with a red top, which resembles burning matchsticks! These cultivars definitely stand out amongst the other pastel coloured tulips. The Triumph type tulips come in almost every colour imaginable, except for blue, with the closest being shades of purple or lilac. Come and check out Tulipmania, and share with us your favorite tulips! 

Written by: Ng Yu Qin, Horticulturist, Research and Horticulture

Yu Qin is always looking for ways to pick up new skills and put them to use. She spends most of her time with orchids and enjoys learning something new about them every day!

This article is part of our What's Blooming series.